It is a joy to see an article that starts with what you preach. This is not enaything earthshattering, but the National Geographic article started with the AC technology innovated by Wills Carrier hundred years ago is at the limits of technology barriers. While I do not agree with the article's content it surely is right in pointing out the fact that incumbent companies are struggling to cost effectively meet the increasing efficiency standards and to lower the global warming potential. But I disagree that only a titally new technology is required... (read more)
Vapor compression is still best suited for mass production and wide application. Distributed vapor compression technology - proposed in this website is the hidden solution while we wait for a new technology to be invented and developed to maturity. However, I want to add the link to the article here for reference in future...

Some people and institiutions mentioned int he article are: National Renewable Energy Laboratory senior engineer Eric Kozubal, Mark  Modera, director of the Western Cooling Efficiency Center at the University of California, Davis. They were promoting evaprative cooling systems (swamp cooler) as the potential future technology. Naah!. But the technology isinteresting and can be used in conjunction with vapor compression to separate the latent heat and sensible heat transfer. Won't it be nice to combine the latest techno

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